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長者生活津貼 / 福利消息



1. 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司

  • 購買禮劵、本票、設定、修改或取消常行指示及因存摺損毀或遺失圖章而補發存摺,免收手續費。

  • 存款結餘低於$5,000的港元儲蓄戶口,豁免戶口服務月費。

2. 恒生銀行有限公司

  • 購買禮券、本票(用作認購新股之本票除外)、定立或修改按期撥款指示及因遺失存摺/圖章而需更換存摺,免收手續費。

  • 每日平均結餘低於$5,000之港元存摺/結單儲蓄存款戶口,豁免戶口低結餘服務月費。


3. 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司


  • 小額存款服務費
  • 簽發禮券、簽發本票、報失存摺、郵寄月結單費用

  • 提供免年費的簡易自動櫃員機提款卡

4. 東亞銀行有限公司

  • 豁免i-Account服務月費。
  • 豁免戶口服務月費(適用於以下賬戶: 港元往來、美元往來、人民幣往來、港元儲蓄、綜合貨幣儲蓄(結單)、外幣儲蓄及外匯孖展交易)。

  • 豁免港幣儲蓄賬戶及綜合貨幣儲蓄(結單)賬戶之開戶金額要求。

  • 購買銀行禮券、本票及匯票,手續費5折。

  • 豁免快捷提款卡年費。

  • 豁免郵寄結單費。

  • 豁免大量現金存款/付款及大量支票存款/付款收費。

5. 中國銀行 (香港)

  • 憑長者咭購買本票、禮券免收手續費。(中國銀行保留隨時修訂或取消上述優惠、其條款及細則的酌情權,毋須事先通知客戶。)

6. 上海商業銀行


  • 購買禮券、本票、匯票手續費
  • 自動櫃員機提款咭年費及失咭補領手續費

  • 輔幣找換手續費

  • 低結餘服務費

7. 中國工商銀行(亞洲)

  • 提供定期存款利率優惠予港幣五萬元或以上的定期存款,存款期須為一個月或以上。
  • 購買或使用禮劵、本票、匯票 (電匯,人民幣電匯、匯款通及個人預結匯除外)、CHATS及輔幣找換及補領存摺,手續費減半。

  • 港幣儲蓄賬戶及往來賬戶豁免收取低結餘服務費。


8. 南洋商業銀行有限公司

  • 定期存款額外利率優惠,但須視乎當時的情況、存款貨幣及金額而定,詳情請向各分行查詢。

  • 豁免分行櫃枱購買禮券手續費。

  • 豁免港元活期儲蓄賬戶及往來賬戶低結餘服務月費。

  • 免收櫃位服務費。

  • 免收南商理財提款咭及向長者提供的簡易提款咭年費。


9. 招商永隆銀行

  • 購買本票、禮券,豁免手續費。
  • 定期存款息率優惠 。

  • 個人客戶的綜合理財總值低於港幣$10,000 或其等值外幣,豁免「服務月費」(適用於客戶名下所有儲蓄、往來及一下通賬戶)。

  • 豁免補發提款卡之收費。

  • 豁免報失存摺之收費。

  • 豁免郵寄方式收取紙張結單之收費。

10. 大眾銀行(香港)有限公司

  • 憑長者咭可免費補領存摺,豁免禮券及本票手續費,保管箱租金八折優惠。

11. 大新銀行

  • 憑長者咭購買禮券免收手續費,港元定期存款享利率優惠(存款期須為一個月或以上而最低金額為港幣$200,000)。

12. 中信銀行(國際)有限公司

  • 憑長者咭購買本票及禮券可豁免服務費用。

13. 華僑銀行(香港)


  • 個人存款戶口每月服務費

  • 紙本結單

  • 補發存褶

14. 創興銀行有限公司

  • 存期為一個月或以上的指定貨幣定期存款享有利率優惠。
  • 購買本票、禮券及因存摺損毀或遺失圖章而補發存摺,減免手續費。

15. 集友銀行

  • 向持有長者咭的長者提供簡易提款咭服務,可豁免長者於分行櫃檯購買禮劵之手續費。(尚有各樣優惠,以當時之提供為準,詳情請向集友銀行各分行查詢。)



Remember to change your card! People aged 60 and above must use the Leyou Card to enjoy a $2 bus discount

From August 25, 2024, all Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above must use the Royo Card to enjoy the $2 bus fare concession. Anonymous Elderly Octopus and general personal Octopus will no longer be applicable to the $2 bus fare concession. Therefore, Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above who do not have a Royo Card should apply for one as soon as possible to ensure that all seniors can continue to use the Royo Card to enjoy the $2 bus fare concession after August 25 this year.

Eligible applicants:

  • Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above

  • Eligible disabled persons: recipients of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme with a disability level of 100% and recipients of the Disability Allowance

Documents required for applying for the Loyalty Card:

  • Original copy of Hong Kong Identity Card

  • Color passport photo (a 1.5" x 2" color passport photo taken within the last six months, with a white or plain light background)

How to apply for a Happy Card:

Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above (including eligible disabled persons) holding a valid Hong Kong identity card, and all eligible persons who will turn 60 within three months, can apply for a Loyalty Card. The first application for a Loyalty Card is free of charge and each eligible applicant will only be issued one Loyalty Card.

    • Octopus Application

  1. Prepare the original copy of your Hong Kong smart identity card and a color passport photo

  2. Download Octopus App

  3. Go to the "Featured Services" section of the Octopus App homepage and select Apply for a Royo Card. Alternatively, click "More" at the bottom right corner of the homepage and select Apply for a Royo Card. Follow the steps in the electronic application form to apply and submit your application.

  • Submit your application by mail

After completing the form , applicants must send it together with a copy of their Hong Kong identity card and a colour passport photograph to "Octopus Cards Limited, PO Box 945, Tsuen Wan Post Office, Tsuen Wan, New Territories" and write "Happy Card Application" on the envelope.

All people aged 60 or above can use the Royo Card to enjoy the benefits after they have topped up their card. After receiving the Royo Card, everyone can use the "Easy Transfer Service" to transfer the balance and services (including valid "Personalized Octopus Identity") in their existing Personalized Octopus to the Royo Card.

Detailed application and balance transfer methods can be found on the LeyouCard website .

For details of the public transport modes and services covered by the Two Dollar Concession Scheme, please refer to the Transport Department's website .

Source: Transport Department, LeyouCard website

長者咭酒店餐飲優惠 2024(不斷更新) | 自助餐、免茶優惠、餐飲折扣


1. 富豪東方酒店



富豪東方 – 儷廊咖啡室


生日優惠: 客人生日當天可享免費自助餐,同行者均獲85折優惠(最少6位)


電話:2132 3502

2. 九龍維景酒店



電話:2197 3500

3. 海景嘉福洲際酒店 – 海景咖啡廊



地址:香港九龍尖沙咀東部麽地道 70 號海景嘉福洲際酒店M層

電話:2731 2860

4. 香港沙田凱悅酒店



電話:3723 1234

5. 荃灣西如心酒店 – Café Circle

自助午餐:每位長者 HK$338起 ;自助晚餐:每位長者$548起



電話:2280 2868

6. 銀鑛灣渡假酒店



電話:6810 0111




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